Bodie is such a fascinating character...
we don't actually find out much about his past, except that he was a military man.
We females love him because he's such a cutie. Tall and dark and amazing, he's sure to attract anybodys attention! What I don't understand is, why has he got sooo many ugly girlfriends? Alright, nobody even comes near Doyle's Ann, but why...??? Why, Bodie???
He's everything you want- muscular, protective, handsome, humorous, clever... seems he's a perfect man!
Apart from his wonderful looks, he's awfully funny. Manages to crack a (sometimes a sooo not funny) joke. His aproach to nearly being killed is "C'mon, let's kill a few more!" You can almost see the adrenaline running through him.
Lewis Collins is the best choice for Bodie. At first, i think, he needed to sort of get used to Bodie. But as Lewis and Bodie are very, very similar I think it works out just fine!
(Of course Bodie's attraction to females is obviously due to Lewis, too....)
Over all Bodie is such a sexy appearence, a wonderful character, has a hilarious sence of humour that you just have to love him. Bodie at his little boy best is something to see- Bodie in a rage is something you don't want to miss.
The Professionals without Bodie? Unthinkable. Doyle without Bodie? Out of the question.
Three cheers for Bodie and Lewis!!!