Monday, 6 July 2009

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Bob Rocca's Book

The newest Professionals Handguide. Absolutely fantastic, makes ya laugh out loud and very well written (wow!)
Something for any Pros Fan. I think I'll stop writing and get back to it quick- I'm by page 221!

Goes very well together with a storm, lots of pattering rain and Marks and Spencers Percy Pigs, by the way! - just a tip :D -

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Why I Love Bodie

Bodie is such a fascinating character...

we don't actually find out much about his past, except that he was a military man.

We females love him because he's such a cutie. Tall and dark and amazing, he's sure to attract anybodys attention! What I don't understand is, why has he got sooo many ugly girlfriends? Alright, nobody even comes near Doyle's Ann, but why...??? Why, Bodie???

He's everything you want- muscular, protective, handsome, humorous, clever... seems he's a perfect man!

Apart from his wonderful looks, he's awfully funny. Manages to crack a (sometimes a sooo not funny) joke. His aproach to nearly being killed is "C'mon, let's kill a few more!" You can almost see the adrenaline running through him.

Lewis Collins is the best choice for Bodie. At first, i think, he needed to sort of get used to Bodie. But as Lewis and Bodie are very, very similar I think it works out just fine!

(Of course Bodie's attraction to females is obviously due to Lewis, too....)

Over all Bodie is such a sexy appearence, a wonderful character, has a hilarious sence of humour that you just have to love him. Bodie at his little boy best is something to see- Bodie in a rage is something you don't want to miss.

The Professionals without Bodie? Unthinkable. Doyle without Bodie? Out of the question.

Three cheers for Bodie and Lewis!!!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Fan Video by me

Here you go, I made it myself...I don't think it's that much good but there you go...
It's lots of pictures of Bodie and Doyle.
Please watch it so you can tell me if it's alright or not.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

A few pictures to keep you interested...

More here soon :)

Hello everyone,
I'm rather busy doing work and writing fan fiction.
Just so you know I haven't forgotten you!
I'll see you around as soon as possible,

Lady GaGa (*my pet name*)
